SEO built for startups

SEO used to take forever, cost a lot of money, and require a lot of time… until now.
Fully automated keyword research, content maps and content creation in one place. SEO in <10 mins.

Metrics, recommendations
and content

Features built to enhance your SEO capabilities at a fraction of the cost 

Fully automated writing

Receive fully written SEO-optimized blog posts in your inbox every morning

Keyword research & content

We’ll create a content map for you based on what you want to rank on


View your most important metrics in one place - no more complicated dashboards


Every week we provide you with 2-4 recommendations for how to optimize your blog

Reddit & YouTube integration

Topical content created based on what people are talking about on Reddit

Powering startups backed by top investors

“A trustworthy AI companion is a massive help for any lean content team.
 MEGA SEO is like a dependable writer — quick to generate strong content that you can edit and confidently publish in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional content creation.”

SEO doesn’t have to be expensive

Using AI, MegaSEO automates everything for you from keyword research and topical mapping to writing the entire articles that are optimized for Google to passing content to your CMS.

Say goodbye to

Overpriced agencies

Missing viral content waves

Hiring loads of writers and editors

Never producing 
enough content

Content briefs for writers

Writer's block

MegaSEO takes all of this off your plate

How it works

Still not sure? Watch this short demo video:

Integrated with the most popular Content Management Systems

Don’t see your CMS? Email us, we’ll build it.

Choose your plan

Cancel for free during your first 7 days.

All packages include metrics, keyword research, topical mapping, and daily content.

Pricing Page


1 article/day


Daily content

5 topics

Image with every article


5 articles/day


Daily content

Unlimited topics

Image with every article

Internal linking

Custom image prompt

Reddit & YouTube content

Weekly SEO recommendations

Constant keyword monitoring


3 articles/day


Daily content

10 topics

Image with every article

Internal linking

Custom image prompt

Reddit & YouTube content

Need more content? Let us know, we can put together a plan for you.

Want to talk to someone?

Book a call.


  • We put your SEO on autopilot. Every day, you’ll receive fresh content in your inbox.

    We are integrated with the most popular Content Management Systems around so you can easily pass articles you like from MEGA SEO to your CMS in 1 click.

  • MEGA SEO is more than just a writing model – it’s a complete, automated, end-to-end tool to help you take advantage of content-led inbound marketing.

    We’re constantly integrating best practices into MEGA SEO’s base model to help you rank higher and generate more traffic. We make it easy for users to “one-click” push articles directly to your site’s blogging backend (WordPress, Ghost, Webflow, Shopify, Squarespace, and many others).

    MEGA SEO will also ingest all your site’s content to better inform writing context and internally link to your existing pages to create tighter content clusters. The model is also not limited to writing singular pieces, rather, it can create multiple, interlinked articles that represent one topical cluster. This methodology can strengthen your ranking.

    Over time, MEGA SEO will also make suggested edits to your existing content and provide you automated recommendations to improve your technical SEO through our dashboard.

  • Currently, we are integrated with WordPress, Ghost, and Webflow but can happily integrate with your CMS.

    Don’t use one of these? Let us know at [email protected]. We’re constantly adding more CMS’ to help make life easy for our customers.

  • Yes, MEGA SEO will ingest your entire catalog of blog and non-blog pages to use for automated internal linking inside of generated content.

  • While there are use cases to get an agency involved, it’s been our experience that agency-led engagements are overly expensive and take too long to produce real results. Oftentimes no tooling or usable playbooks are left behind to allow clients to continue the work, leaving you stuck when the budget runs out.

    Our goal at MEGA SEO is to provide you with immediate results that are transparent and completely within your control. Our dashboard will teach your team the ins and outs of SEO with an understanding of the most impactful metrics.

    After just a few days of using MEGA SEO you’ll become an SEO wizard.

  • Google’s main goal is to ensure that content is useful – they want searchers to be happy (are the searchers bouncing? What’s the dwell time? Are they going back to search and clicking another result?).

    To this end, Google is fairly agnostic to AI generated content as long as searchers are happy and publishers are not abusing publishing mass amounts of spam.

    We’ll help guide you on how best to use MegaSEO to complement marketing goals.

  • We absolutely believe MegaSEO is still valuable even if you already have a content machine.

    One of the key benefits of MegaSEO is that it can produce significant time-sensitive content to ride “viral waves” and temporal mis-matches in search supply-demand. We call this event-driven content.

    While traditional, human-led SEO tends to emphasize evergreen content, AI-driven SEO has a significant advantage in turning trending topics from online conversations into inbound marketing content.

    Event-driven content are strong candidates for Google’s Discover feature, which can drive 4x the traffic of search for publishers who are consistently able to be featured on its feed.

  • Yes, MEGA SEO provides images for each article. We are constantly expanding our art styles and can match your preferences to make the content look seamless next to your existing content.

  • Yes, we are in the process of building custom tuned models for each of our clients.

  • Yes, MegaSEO will integrate with keyword analytics to identify opportunities for keyword arbitrage (high volume + low difficulty pairings). MegaSEO will automatically suggest and integrate opportunities. Users can also provide explicit keyword requirements.

  • We generate “clustered” content and “topical” content:

    “Clustered” content: Articles that address specific topics or user queries. The answers are unlikely to change in the near-term. Generally, they are part of a cluster of content (e.g., “Renters insurance for [X], where [X] can be valuables, bicycles, etc.) Inputs are generally the open web. This type of content is meant to improve your base authority and ranking on core keywords..

    “Topical” content: Content that is time sensitive (e.g., breaking news, ongoing discussion, etc). The content or conversation is evolving in real time. Inputs are generally the open web, supplemented by topical sources like Reddit, YouTube, X, etc. While this type of content can help improve your authority, we’ve found that it is also more likely to help your content land on Google Discover, which can greatly increase impressions.

  • We have 3 tiers:

    Starter: 60 articles / month - $299

    Advanced: 100 articles / month - $399

    Pro: 200 articles / month - $499

    If none of these seem right for you, please reach out to us at [email protected] or schedule a call and we can help tailor something to your needs.

  • No… well, not all of us anyway! 🤖