Earn money with MEGA SEO

Help companies put their blogs on autopilot and scale content with MEGA SEO.
We do everything an SEO team does in <10 minutes.

Become and affiliate today and earn up to $1,000 per referral.

How does it work?

Our affiliate program is simple: Sign up. Promote MEGA SEO. Get paid 20% of revenue every month.

Sign up.

Sign up by clicking the ‘Become an affiliate’ button above. Be one of the first to become a MEGA SEO ambassador!


Share MEGA SEO with the world by talking about it on your newsletter, blog, social posts, podcasts - wherever you want.


Every time someone signs up through your link, you get paid. Earn up to $1,000 per referral. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

MEGA SEO is an easy sell

Our customers love MEGA SEO because it does the work of an entire SEO team… automatically. Unlike other AI tools, everything we do is automatically tailored to our customers’ blog.

Automated Keyword Research

  • MEGA SEO ingests your sitemap and performs automated keyword research via SEMRush

  • This means that your keywords are always up to date and tailored to your product

Metrics, metrics, metrics

  • Visualize your SEO data to see how you’re performing

  • We’ve got a lot more metrics-related features coming soon… stay tuned!

Automated Content Generation

  • Receive fresh, SEO-optimized content tailored to your blog in your inbox every day

  • Our content isn’t just laden with target keywords, but awesome features too: Internal & external linking, Key takeaways & FAQs, Images in the same style as your blog, and more

Become a MEGA SEO affiliate today.

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